Dun Dun Dun… Midterms!

As midterms near closer students start to wonder where the first half of the semester went. Well have no fear, since I am a senior I have complied some great study tips for all sorts of tests and projects.

Here are my top 5 tips:

1. My first tip might be a risky one but depending on your work ethic procrastinating is okay and it is natural for it to happen. For most people as the deadline moves closer they are more concentrated at the task at hand. This isn’t to say that you should start it the day before but starting a project two weeks out is not always necessary.

2. Try the 50/10 rule when studying. This rule is that for every 50 min. of studying one does they get a 10 min. break. Most likely check social media cause thats what my generation likes to do. This rule is also great because I know especially for me after a couple of breaks I am already caught up on my social media, and I also get into my work so I am less likely to take breaks.

3. There are different kinds of studying for each school topic. For math, practice makes perfect. For History, creating a timeline poster out works great! For general knowledge like psychology, flash cards are the winner. The tip here is to just show that you have to modify your study habits depending on the topic. If you are having a tough time doing well in a class, try and be creative with study habits and change them up. Maybe the way you are studying just is not helping with your memory.

4.Studying with friend is a great way to learn and understand information. By teaching information to someone else or even just talking it out helps the person studying understand better. Caution: Only study with friends who have studied before, this way you are not wasting time trying to get people caught up.

5. Lastly, Always study the night before the test. Many people think that pulling an all nighter will work but psychology studies show that sleeping the night before helps input the information in your brain. Also, having a full night sleep will help improve your physical, mental, and emotional parts of your body.

I hope these tips help you do well on your midterms! What are some of your favorite tips for fellow midterm takers?

One thought on “Dun Dun Dun… Midterms!

  1. These are such great tips Xandi! I think the 50/10 one is smart! I always love studying with friends to help each other understand the information even better. You make a good point however when you say that you don’t want to have to work on catching the friend you study with up first. I have found that getting a good nights sleep the night before actually helps the information I have studied stick in my brain and makes it easier to recall during the test.

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