
So remember how I said sometimes it gets nice in North Carolina during the winter? Well this week we had about an inch of snow and about three inches of ice, or at least it seemed that way. Not only did we have 1 snow day, we had two! Not only this but Guilford County Schools were off the whole week including presidents day! Im from the north so I was prepared for this weather (Nonslip shoes, heavy coat, gloves) and was ready to proceed with some snow day activities!

Snow days, especially in college are fun! The night before our snow day we ended up sledding with our cushions ( Sorry HPU) down some hills. Boy, do those things go fast! Even though it was freezing rain outside it was a ton of fun and it was like a high point community event! Since it was a snow day the next day people had no concerns or worries and may have possibly stayed up later than expected!

The thing about snow days in North Carolina is once there is snow on the ground people are basically immobile for a couple of days!  Since we were stuck to the campus my friends and I had to make up some snow day activities! My snow day consisted of tons of movies, making chili, and some nice hot chocolate! It was a great relaxing day after being sore from sledding. What are your favorite things to do on a snow day? I personally do not mind the snow but for all of you snow-haters out there what do you guys like to do on snow days?


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